What sweets to prepare for Pongal

Pongal happens to be one of the main celebrations and festivals of the Southern part of India, which appears in the advent of mid-January each year with so much grace and glory. Some things are meant to be, just like Tamil New year that comes every year. This year, according to the calendar of 2022, the auspicious festival will start from the 14th of January to the 17th of January.


The festival of Pongal makes a good sign in the lives of the Tamil citizens; they eagerly wait for the year to rotate so that they can finally go and can make their active participation in the holy occasion, the very beginning of ‘Uttarayan’ (the sun’s movement towards the north).


 This festival indeed contains something, which builds up to a 4-day affair, which looks like this, the Bhogi Pongal, the Surya Pongal, the Mattu Pongal, and lastly, the Kaanum Pongal. The meaning of ‘Pongal’ has a great to offer, which is why the name is a big one in terms of celebrations; the name means ‘spilling over,’ and due to this meaning, many things change eventually. Here the Tamilians celebrate a tradition of overflowing the rice and milk in a clay pot over a flame; they try to maintain the balance of the meaning. Some famous practices eventually include drawing Kolams, decorating the house with flowers, and cooking traditional foods.

If the readers don’t get enough knowledge of the ideal dishes that have to be made in Pongal, there goes a detailed description. 

When it is about celebrating Pongal, nothing can replace the sheer joy this dessert item brings. A good bowl of Sakkarai Pongal can make the Pongal worth every investment. We should be happy to have the recipe along with us.

This is again one of the bare sweets considered the soul dessert items in Pongal. Chana dal, milk, sugar, and rice flour are needed here. It is easy to make the recipe, and everybody loves it. People of all groups like this item, invariably eating this in Pongal.

This signifies the typical goodness of jaggery of this time being. Freshly soaked rice with milk, ghee, and jaggery tend to bring the best of all sorts of creations. This particular recipe indeed makes an uncanny similarity with the eastern parts of India’s Payesh. The jaggery is being added Because this is the season when the availability of jaggery becomes smoother, and people can get hold of this. The flavor of ghee should be subtle, and a creamy texture has to be made. This item is often offered to God by the Indians.

This is also one of the famous southern delicacies that have to be prepared with certain types of dry fruits, making the best thing happen. The grated coconut, basmati rice, ghee, and other things. The famous southern kheer comes with the taste of it. No Pongal should pass without tasting some spoons of this item.